Report of the Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales
Appendix 1
List of Respondents
Advice Services Alliance
Age Concern England
District Judge Jill Allen
Allen & Overy LLP, Solicitors
Allianz Cornhill
Mrs Sally Allix
Association of Law Costs Draftsmen (ALCD)
Association of Partnership Practitioners
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL)
Lawrence Bagshaw
Bar Association for Commerce Finance and Industry (BACFI)
Bar of the Wales & Chester Circuit
W Alasdair Baxter
Beachcroft Wansbroughs, Solicitors
N D Bellis, solicitor
Berrymans Lace Mawer, Solicitors
Better Regulation Task Force
Professors Andrew Boon, Jenny Levin, Donald Nicholson, Julian Webb,
Universities of Westminster and Strathclyde (joint response)
Sir Jeffery Bowman
Brent Community Law Centre
British Legal Association
British Printing Industries Federation
David L Brown
Michael B Buck
M F Burdett, solicitor
Burges Salmon LLP, Solicitors
Alan Caig
Sheila Cameron QC DCL, Master of the Faculties/ Peter Beesley, Registrar, Faculty Office (joint response)
Campaign for the Reform of the Office for the Supervision of Solicitors (CROSS)
Peter C Careless, solicitor
Carpenters, Solicitors
Susan Carter, Ross Carter, Solicitors
Carter Lemon Camerons, Solicitors
Citizens Advice
Clifford Chance LLP, Solicitors
COMBAR (Commercial Bar Association)
Committee of Heads of University Law Schools (CHULS)
Consumers' Association (Which?)
Linda M Costelloe Baker, Scottish Legal Services Ombudsman
CCBE (Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Union)
Council for Licensed Conveyancers (CLC)
Council of the Inns of Court
Coventry Law Centre
A B Craven, HIPS(97)
Credit Services Association
Mrs I Crosthwaite
Michael T Darwyne
DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Co Ltd
Michael Dew, solicitor
Sue Doughty, Member of Parliament for Guildford
E Durant
Edwards Geldard, Solicitors
Eifion Edwards
Mrs L J Elt
Kevin H Emsley, Lupton Fawcett, Solicitors
W E G Eusden
M M Evans
Faculty of Advocates (Scotland)
Family Law Bar Association
David Farrer QC, Simeon Maskrey QC, Nigel Rumfitt QC, Derek Sweeting
QC, Barbara Connolly, Timothy Walker, Brendan Roche, Jeffrey Jupp, Steven
Gray (joint response)
Mark Field, solicitor
Financial Services Authority, Small Businesses Division
FDA (First Division Association)
FirstLAW Limited, Solicitors
Forum of Insurance Lawyers (FOIL)
David Foster, Barlows, Solicitors
Roy Fox
John A Franks
Freeclaim IDC plc
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Solicitors
Michael Garson, solicitor
General Council of the Bar
J A E Gorst
Hazel Grant, solicitor
D R Hale
Ian R Hamilton
Melike Hart
Mrs Margaret Haworth
D C Heard
Richard Henchley, solicitor
Henmans, Solicitors
Herbert Smith, Solicitors
Herrington & Carmichael, Solicitors
K D Hoskin
Thurstan Hoskin, Thurstan Hoskin and Partners, Solicitors
Mrs Vivien Howarth
Anthony Hughes, Ricksons, Solicitors
Immigration Advisory Service
Independent Association of Advocates of South Africa
In-House Lawyers' Group of The Law Society of Scotland
Institute of Chartered Accountants England & Wales
Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators
Institute of Indirect Taxation
Institute of Legal Cashiers & Administrators
ILEX (Institute of Legal Executives)
Institute of Professional Willwriters
Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys/ Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (joint
International Underwriting Association
Irwin Mitchell, Solicitors
Peter Jacks/Andrew Hodges, Fraser Brown, Solicitors (joint response)
W G Jeffery
C M Johnston
Jomati Ltd
Jack Jones
Justices' Clerks' Society
Ewan G Kennedy, Faulds Gibson Kennedy, Solicitors, Scotland
Alan Kerr, Kerr & Company, Notary Public
Kincardine & Deeside Faculty of Solicitors
Stephen Kinsey, Wildbore & Gibbons
Knights, Solicitors
Tim Lamb
Sir Stephen Lander, Independent Commissioner to the Law Society
Law Society of England and Wales
Law Societies of:-
Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire;
Birmingham; Bournemouth & District;
Bournemouth & District Trainee Solicitors & Young Solicitors Groups;
Bristol; Buxton & High Peak;
Cambridgeshire & District; Cardiff & District; City of London;
City of Westminster and Holborn; Derby & District;
Devon & Exeter; Dorset; Gwynedd; Hampshire; Hertfordshire; Kent;
Leeds; Lincolnshire; Mid Essex; Newcastle upon Tyne;
Norfolk & Norwich; Northamptonshire;
Southend-on-Sea & District; Stockport; Surrey;
Tonbridge Tunbridge Wells & District; West Essex; West Wales;
Westmorland; Wolverhampton; Worcestershire; Yorkshire.
Law Society of England and Wales Groups and Sections:-
Association of Women Solicitors
Black Solicitors Network
Commerce & Industry Group
Group for Solicitors with Disabilities
Hertfordshire Local Group, Solicitor Sole Practitioners Group
Lay Members, Law Society Council
David Merkel, Council member for Solicitors with Disabilities
Probate Section
Solicitor Sole Practitioners Group
Solicitors in Local Government Group
Trainee Solicitors' Group/ Young Solicitors Group (joint response)
Law Society of Scotland
Law Society of Upper Canada
Elizabeth Leah, Howell-Jones Partnership, Solicitors
Legal Action Group (LAG)
Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG)
Legal Marketing Services Ltd
Legal Services Commission
Legal Services Consultative Panel
Sir Andrew Leggatt
Mrs L H Lewy
Nigel Ley
Linklaters, Solicitors
David Lock
London Criminal Courts Solicitors Association (LCCSA)
Lovells, Solicitors
Maclay Murray Spens, Solicitors, Scotland
P Male
Zahida Manzoor CBE, Legal Services Ombudsman for England and Wales
Professor Stephen Mayson, Nottingham Law School
McGrigors, Solicitors
Dr Harry McVea, University of Bristol
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Mrs Diana Mitchell
Victoria Moore, Moore Academy
Richard Moorhead, Cardiff Law School
Larry Moriarty
Motor Accident Solicitors Society (MASS)
Sarah Mumford/Margaret Bromley, solicitors (joint response)
National Association of Paralegals
National Consumer Council
Nelsons, Solicitors
North Eastern Circuit (Bar)
Norton Rose, Solicitors
Notaries Society
Clifford J Oakes
Office of Fair Trading (OFT)
Mr David O'Hagan, Barry & Blott, Solicitors
Oldham Law Association
Olswang, Solicitors
David M S Palmer
Paralegal Association
Crispin Passmore
Patent Office
Professor Alan Paterson, Strathclyde University
Mrs H S Peasegood
Lord Phillips of Sudbury, solicitor
Professor J F Pickering
V G Playle
Martin J Powell
Principal Registry of the Family Division
Tim Pyper, TLT, Solicitors
RAC Legal Services
Freda Raphael
Mrs Christine Reay, solicitor
Mrs K Robinson
ROCAS (Reform of Complaints Against Solicitors)
Royal Bank of Scotland Group
Royal Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
Christina M Rundle
John Scampion CBE, Immigration Services Commissioner
Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers
Colin Scott, London School of Economics
Scriveners Company
Shepherd & Wedderburn, Solicitors, Scotland
Geoffrey A Shindler, solicitor
Shoosmiths, Solicitors
Simon Smith
Society of Legal Scholars
Society of Scrivener Notaries
Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
Society of Will Writers & Estate Planning Practitioners
Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet (W S Society, Scotland)
SSARMCA (Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, Royal Marines Commando Association)
Solicitors Association of Higher Court Advocates (SAHCA)
Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
Solicitors Family Law Association (SFLA)
SIFA (Solicitors Independent Financial Advice)
Solicitors Pro Bono Group
Edward Solomons, solicitor
Anthony Speaight QC
Penelope and Geoffrey Stansfield
Alan Street
Taylor Vinters, Solicitors
Mrs Jane E Taylor/ Mrs Betty M Hine (joint response)
J M Taylor
John M Taylor
William S Taylor
Technology and Construction Bar Association
Thompsons, Solicitors
Paddy Tipping, Member of Parliament for Sherwood
Trade Marks Patents and Designs Federation (TMPDF)
Alan Turle, Richards & Morgan, Solicitors
Union Internacional del Notariado Latino, Mexico (Francisco S Arias, President)
Unione Internazionale del Notariato Latino, Italy (Dr Emanuele Ferrari,
Secretary for Europe & Asia)
Walker Morris Online, Solicitors
Matthew Ward, Lancashire Paralegal Associates Ltd
Wards, Solicitors
Tom Williams
Mrs Penelope Wilson
David Wolfe
Wollastons, Solicitors
2 respondents requested confidentiality for their names, which consequently
are withheld
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